
Refining Focus

“Clarity affords focus.” ~ Thomas Leonard A few months ago I wrote about shifting my approach from time management to time investment in the article “Time To Do What Is Important”.  I wrote: “Over the next few months

Creating Dreams

Our GENERATION2050 Alumni and mentor team spent the day at the beautiful, new “Philip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science” in Miami, on Saturday. This trip is the first of many activities we will embark on this school year to build upon

Vision Forward

Yesterday was the last day of summer camp for GENERATION2050. It was a specially emotional day. We set aside time in the morning for a vision board workshop. Although we had initially planned to create vision boards earlier in the summer, the last

Life Work as Art

“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” ~ Henry David Thoreau Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by life, I pause to work with my plants. Digging around in the dirt, pruning, fertilizing, and just looking at how they are growing