Flooded With Light
“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.” (Ephesians 1:18 NLT)
This week has been exciting. It started with the Sunday evening arrival of Erwin McManus, author of the new book “Artisan’s Soul.” Pastor McManus graciously came and spoke to our church about the book and officially launched it at our Rendezvous service last night. We were all mesmerized and encouraged as he talked to us about how we are God’s work of art and God’s artists at work. For me, his ideas are coming right on time as I am shaping the Cambodia Mission Trip for September 2014. I highly recommend this book!

In the midst of learning from Erwin McManus, I had the opportunity to speak to our Trinity Church Miami Leadership Institute (MLI) students on Monday. MLI is a cohort of Southeastern University and all of the students have a desire to enter full-time ministry. My son, Zachary, is the MLI Director. Zachary convened the Monday morning ministry session in the Wynwood district of Miami in the center of the Wynwood Walls. My assignment was to speak the students about urban ministry based on my experiences.

God had impressed on me to talk to them about Jesus being the light and how we are to take that light into any environment He sends us. This light illuminates dark places filled with hate, jealousy, fear, despair, anger, unforgiveness, ungratefulness, depression, and anxiety with life, joy, peace, faith, hope, thankfulness, forgiveness, and creativity. This light is what we have to offer as servants of Jesus. So I talked to them about how I have attempted to bring light to the urban community that through the Peacemaker Family Center at Trinity Church. We had a great day together at Wynwood Walls!
“For so the Lord has commanded us, ‘I have placed you as a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the end of the earth.’” (Acts 13:47 NASB)

Have you thought about how you can bring the light of Jesus to your community? Here is a picture of one of the MLI students, Nelson Ruiz, taking hamburgers to homeless people on the streets of Miami, Florida after the Rendezvous service last night. This is a ministry Nelson quietly started last year.

Are you looking for ways to share your light? Listen to my THRIVE! Podcast on JenningsWire? LISTEN HERE: “How to THRIVE in Your Life.”

(Pictured above are Erwin McManus, Zachary Freeman, Jeanette Munoz, myself, and Nelson Ruiz. Zachary’s photo was taken on my Canon and the other were taken on an iPhone 5.)
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