Expanding Vision
“Nothing great happens by accident.”~ Peter Drucker
In the last week, Carlos Garcia, one of our Cambodia September 2014 Mission Team members finished editing our recap video from the hours of video he recorded on the trip. As I watched it for the first time, I just cried. I still cannot believe how the team came together, how the plans came together, how the weather cooperated during the rainy season, and how many miracles happened outside the boundaries of what we planned.
Our primary task was to complete the construction of the biogas digester system by building a new toilet/shower facility and a new piggery. As you watch the video, you will see the construction team at work, but you will also see the work that our team did in the slums of Phnom Penh and in a remote village outside Phnom Penh. Hopefully, you will be able to see the love and the friendship that was fostered along the way.
For me personally, I came home with an energized and expanded vision. Rather than only noting tasks being completed, I have found myself expanding my vision of what was to be completed. The seeds of hope and love that were planted will yield a harvest far beyond what we can comprehend.
“In today already walks tomorrow.” ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(Photo credits: Lacy Beach, Takeo Province, Cambodia, October and September 2014. Video produced and edited by Carlos Garcia, CG Productions, October 2014.)
What People Are Saying
Linda, I am new to your blog but I enjoyed hearing about the work you do. It makes me think of the time I have spent in Guatemala and El Salvador. Different countries, people, and issues of course, but there’s something similar that shines through in the people.