Three Girls


“All I want is an education, and I am afraid of no one.” ~ Malala Yousafzai


Last week, I had good news about three girls in my life. First, my sponsorship package from Razia’s Ray of Hope arrived last Friday with a picture of the little girl I am sponsoring at the Zabuli Education Center. I was so excited to read the brief paragraph they included about Alnas. From her picture, I imagine her to be an enthusiastic, energetic eight year old girl:

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Then last Saturday night, I had the pleasure of attending the His House Children’s Home Annual Banquet with my husband, a few of my friends, and our special guest, Gaiola. We spent time reminiscing how we started volunteering at His House Children’s Home three years ago. Through our Women of Hope Ministry, we began volunteering to serve girls who were either at-risk to be sex-trafficked or had already been victims of sex trafficking. We were originally assigned nine girls. Since then, we have shared many joys and tears over the shifting circumstances the girls experienced: one was murdered by her boyfriend on an court-ordered, unsupervised visit with her mother. Two became pregnant. A few have had multiple foster, group home placements. But one of the girls, Gaiola, aged out of foster care successfully. Now 19 years old, Gaiola lives in an apartment with a roommate, has a job, and has purchased her own car. The banquet was even more festive because Gaiola was with us. We are so proud of her.


Finally, I received my sponsorship package from She Rescue Home. I shed a few tears reading about this little girl who is now living in safety, healing, and being educated.


These three girls represent hundreds of thousands of girls around the world who, for many diverse reasons, struggle to reach adulthood safely, in good health, with a solid education. She Rescue Home’s 2013 promotional video shares some of the challenges girls face in Cambodia:

Are there girls in your community that need your support?

About Linda Freeman

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Linda Pulley Freeman combines her specialized training in environmental and chemical engineering with her deep ministerial commitment as she serves mission fields at home and abroad.

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What People Are Saying

  • I am so excited for these three girls (and for many others). The video of the sex trafficking in Cambodia was so sobering. These children are so young.

    • Paula:

      Yes! They are so young. So tragic.


  • This is inspiring! I am one example of seeds you have sown and I am excited for these girls because I know your investment in their lives- is not in vain! So happy to hear this! Love you

    • Lacy:

      I am so proud of you! Love you too,


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