This Is Who We Are

“Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” (I Corinthians 12:27 NKJV)
After ten months of planning, our mission construction and outreach team to Teen Challenge Cambodia and three other local faith-based, humanitarian programs has been an ongoing testimony of God’s provision, grace, and blessing.
We arrived in Cambodia on September 8, 2014 with an ambitious agenda. I had divided our 28 member team into three sub-teams: Construction (Team C), Women of Hope (Team W), and Team B (Bible College). Team B had an assignment to travel with the Cambodia School of Missions and its founder, Pastor Nora Catipon, into a remote village. Team W’s assignment was to volunteer at She Rescue Home and other ministries in Phnom Penh that help women and girls exit the sex trafficking industry. Team C’s focus was the construction of the biogas digester system, including an expanded piggery and new toilet/shower facilities.
So far, our progress has been encouraging and inspiring. We have provided medical care, and a parenting and child development training at Teen Challenge’s Women Center.

We have provided food and basic medical care with Cambodian Care to homeless children living with their families near an abandoned train station in the slums of Phnom Penh.

Our team traveled to a remote village to provide food, medical care, and to share a “Vacation Bible School” style program to the children.

We volunteered at the She Rescue Home and had lunch at Daughters Cafe’. She Rescue Home serves girls ages 5 to 16 years old who have been victims of the sex trafficking industry. Daughters Cafe’ employees women who have been able to escape sex trafficking.

And finally, we have made tremendous progress on our primary project, the construction of a biogas digester and a new toilet/shower facility. When complete, human waste from the toilet/shower facility will be added to the biogas digester, along with manure from the expanded piggery (additional pigs that will arrive in the coming weeks). The biogas digester system eliminates the use of firewood for cooking, the release of human waste into the environment, and provide a source of income from the sale of piglets.

I have decided that our mission team has been an excellent example of the Body of Christ in action.
This is who we are.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
(Photo credits: Linda Freeman, Diana Pons, Pura Ramos, Andrea Avendano, and Yemira Rosario)
What People Are Saying
Linda, God has really used you and your team to bless the Cambodian people. How can they not love the Jesus that brought you to them? Thank you for being a light in a very harsh place. Be safe.
Thank you, Mary Kay!