Go Anywhere! Do Anything!
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”” (Acts of the Apostles 1:8 NLT)
For many years, I imagined myself traveling around the world impacting the lives of people for good in the Name of Jesus. And then I met my mentor Wanda Burgund. Wanda took me under her wing and I learned about missions by doing. I don’t think I have been to the ends of the earth yet, but as one of Wanda’s team members I have traveled on more than twenty-five humanitarian mission trips around the globe to countries including Mexico, Belize, Macedonia, Guatemala, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malawi, and Cambodia.
In less than eight weeks, I will be returning to Cambodia leading a team assisting Cambodian Care Ministries with their mission to provide quality education to children living in abject poverty in Phnom Penh. In a recent blog post, A Miracle Supply, I shared how our team was able to secure enough medical supplies through MAP International to serve the people who live in the communities that Cambodian Care Ministries has established schools. We are now equipped to serve 1,400 people over a one week period with our mobile clinic.
These resources seemed to appear out of nowhere. We were awestruck that God equipped us with what we needed to conduct a medical team outreach when we started our trip planning with nothing–not even an aspirin.
And then last Tuesday, one of our mission team members introduced me to Carlos. Carlos is one of the founding members of the Jeep Club “Lightweight4x4”. During our conversation, Carlos asked me if it would be OK if his Jeep Club drove to Trinity Church as a caravan to drop off supplies for our mission trip to Cambodia.

He said, “If you tell you what your team needs, we will make it happen.” I wasted no time telling him about the school Cambodian Care is planning to establish in a community called the “Tomb Village”. I explained how the families that live there are considered “state-less” people. Their needs are extreme. They literally live among the tombs in a cemetery. I also explained how a school would provide an educational opportunity for the Tomb Village children, creating a protective factor against the sex trafficking industry. Carlos said, “We will make it happen.”
So on July 19, 2015, the Lightweight4x4 Jeep Club will be driving as a caravan to Trinity Church carrying school supplies, hygiene products, and funds for the Tomb Village school.
A few days later, I learned a Jeep slogan:
Go Anywhere. Do Anything.
That’s when I got really excited! I have always wanted to go anywhere and do anything. I remembered Jesus’ command to the disciples that they would go everywhere, even to the very ends of the earth. How exciting to be going with the support of Jeeps!
(photo credits: Jeep photos courtesy of Lightweight4x4 Jeep Club and Tomb Village photos from Koy Chiim, founder of Cambodian Care Ministries.)
What People Are Saying
This is incredible! I immediately forwarded it to my Jeep-owner friends. I am not surprised by the generosity!
AMAZING!! But I am NOT surprised – to quote Joyce Meyers IF God called YOU to do it HE WILL supply everything YOU need!! I CAN’T wait to hear MORE stories of PEOPLE sowing into this GREAT WORK!!