Coffee for a Change

“Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” ~ Napolean Hill

When we hosted the Masterpiece Fundraiser in October 2021, I didn’t realize an opportunity was emerging. The owners of Galeano Coffee had sent 12 bags of coffee with EAA Board Member, Dr. Jackie Avila Buck, from Honduras to Miami along with some beautiful pieces from their Galeano Etiqueta clothing line. We were so thrilled by their generosity and absolutely loved their coffee.

David Freeman and Dr. Jackie Avila Buck wearing Galeano Etiqueta designs.

What we didn’t realize, in the hustle and bustle of hosting a fundraiser, was the Galeano Coffee Company and the Environmental Awareness Academy had a shared vision for people living in rural Honduras. They were living out their vision by sourcing their coffee beans directly from small, independent Honduran coffee producers through fair pay and guaranteed purchase year in and year out. The end result is a sustainable business model that supports local, Honduran communities while providing high quality, specialty coffee to the consumer.

The Galeano corporate vision aligned so well with EAA’s vision to empower youth through environmental education we have decided to collaborate!

Beginning in January 2022, you will be able to purchase both Galeano coffee brands, Galeano and Odysea Coffee, from the Environmental Awareness Academy by clicking this link: COFFEE FOR A CHANGE

Your purchase will support both EAA’s mission, as well as Galeano’s coffee producing partners.

EAA student, Marline, at an EAA tree planting event on November 9, 2021 at Finca San Lucas, Canterranas, Honduras.

(Photo credits: Francisco Galeano, Jr. and Linda Freeman)

About Linda Freeman

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Linda Pulley Freeman combines her specialized training in environmental and chemical engineering with her deep ministerial commitment as she serves mission fields at home and abroad.

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