An Aha! Moment
“Effective leaders build on their own strengths and link their efforts to those of other effective leaders.” ~ Linda Freeman
This week, I am celebrating my fifteenth anniversary as an associate pastor at Trinity Church, Miami, Florida and the executive director of Trinity’s Peacemaker Family Center. Over the past fifteen years, I have learned so much. In my dual roles of pastor and executive director, I have learned the importance of:
* loving without judgment,
* taking risks,
* building a network of collaborative partners,
* finding evidence of God’s grace in every experience, and
* asking for help.
One person I have asked to help me along the way is Becky Robinson, the founder of Weaving Influence. Becky and her team have helped me navigate the world of self-publishing, launching books, social media, and blogging.
I was fortunate to connect with Becky Robinson through social media two years ago just as I was finishing my first book THRIVE! Recently, Becky encouraged me to create a free, eBook on a new platform called the Aha Amplifier.
Each eBook on the platform is a collection of key ideas from the author. In my eBook, I have summarized key ideas from my both of my books THRIVE! and Inspired for Greater Things. You can view my eBook by following this link: Linda Freeman on #iamthriving
I hope you will take a look and be inspired!
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention, Be astonished, Tell about it.” ~ Mary Oliver, “Sometimes”
(I photographed this beautiful pink flower at ECHO International, Ft. Myers, Florida, July 2014.)
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