Building Their Own School
“Never hope more than you work.” ~ Rita Mae Brown
Have you have ever known children who were so inspired to go to school that they would be willing to build their own school? I have. Well, I haven’t met them in person yet, but I have seen their pictures that Lacy Beach has been posting. Lacy first arrived in Cambodia as a member of our September 2014 mission team and had pre-arranged to spend the remainder of her fall college semester with Cambodian Care Ministry as an intern. Cambodian Care ministry is in the process of opening two schools in slum areas of Phnom Penh.

The majority of the 200 children in this community that have registered to attend the Light of Future School in November 2014 have never, ever been enrolled in school before. Their parents cannot afford the fees associated with attending school. When Cambodian Care came to the neighborhood and asked if there was any interest in a community school, the entire neighborhood was excited. The kids wanted to help build the school themselves so that they could begin classes as soon as possible.

Some of their dads who had experience working with concrete volunteered to help pour the concrete floor in the small “building” this past weekend. When our November Cambodia Mission team arrives in Phnom Penh on November 10, 2014, the school should be ready to open. We are planning to bring some basic school supplies with us. I can’t wait to meet these industrious, tenacious kids.

Please take a few minutes to read Lacy’s Blog post about her work with Cambodian Care and look at the pictures of the kids who are building their own school.
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34 MSG)
(Photo credits: Lacy Beach, October 2014, Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
What People Are Saying
Linda, this is so exciting. I have been fretting (much) over my 15 year old’s disdain for school. Last night, he said “it’s not that I don’t care ABOUT school; it’s that I don’t care FOR school.” It’s a little heartbreaking for a parent knowing that kids like these (and the ones I have met in Central America) and their parents consider school such a true privilege. Thank you for sharing this; can’t wait to see these children in Cambodia thrive!
I am praying that God will bless them with a great education that will provide a new life for their families! I am so inspired by them.